Slowing down project delivery

‘Agile Devil’


Slow Project Delivery“©

Agile Devil’s workshop is proud to premier first time in the world, its unique, unmatched service offering to slowdown project deliveries and frustrate customers..

Just follow these simple steps to experience our time-tested process to make sure your customers are always engaged with you …

1. Play Mario:

Simple, Let the customers run after you. Just like Mario has to cross different levels and fight gatekeepers at each step. Make sure your process gatekeepers checks the deliverable closely and thoroughly and make every effort to knock out the delivery. After all, We have all the time on our hand….

2. Keep it Manual :

Automation creates redundancy. So never allow test cases, delivery process or build to be automated. Manual steps always work best and ensure time is well spent by team members in doing silly tasks

3. Keep the customers away :

Customers are a precious resource. They should be kept away from prying eyes of developers to shield them from looking at their product early. This will ensure they have to pay you for enhancements and defects closure after the release. Its business after all, you see…

4. Make it complex:

It has to be complex to sell..Simple solutions make us look bad and will not earn money. So make the designs and solutions so complex that only you and your team can solve. Simple business. Customer will be hooked on to your for life

So, What are you waiting for….


You will get peace of mind, more business and constant money

and as a special offer, we give you

Frustrated customers and Burnt-out programmers absolutely FREE !

HURRY ! Offer Limited..


Agile Devil

Agile Devil

One response to “Slowing down project delivery”

  1. Dear Agile Devil,
    Please continue imparting your devil lessons as we have much more to learn.

    Yours sincerely,
    Agile Devil’s Disciple

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